Our Services

If you have to make decisions, you quickly realize, that a detailed base of information, the so called “hard facts” alone are not enough. Next to specific measurement criteria for success like KPI’s or business results, additional aspects like dynamic change processes and the hard to measure “soft factors” like opinions, positive outlook, motivations, identity and engagement of all parties involved, play a vital role. These factors are sometimes called “intuition” and are the manifestation of individual belief systems, who are responsible for many day to day decisions. Most of the time, these decisions don’t follow rational structures, but are rationally framed in hindsight to make sense. Advertising and Marketing specialists often say: “Intuition decides, and the brain makes sense.”

We have developed our pseudomorph model, to identify these “soft factors” to make decision making and problem solving processes transparent, to increase chances of finding the best solution to problems and decisions. 


We do presentations about our research on the topics of employee wellbeing, talent management, corporate culture, innovation and communication, creativity and problem solving, leadership, change and business modell innovation.


We offer workshops for teams on problem solving framworks and methods.

All of our workshops are highly interactive and we explain framework and method while we are helping to solve your problems, so be prepared to share real life problems.

We show you how fun and easy problem solving can be.


Learning happens most effectively, when the answer to a problem is given right in the moment, when the question appears. This is the reason, why we favor embedded coaching inside a team, rather than creating an artificial environment under ideal conditions, to simply teach methods and processes outside of actual problems employees have. 

The “pairing technique” has proven to be the fastest learning condition. Co-design is gaining traction in well known agencies and software development companies. We show you how to self-improve thinking, feeling and acting while we work with you, to get your job done.


We consult organizations and HR Departments on talent identification and management, workplace design, workforce integration, diversity, creativity, communication, personal training and development and leadership training.

Cultural Experience Testing

Cultural or employee experience testing uses anthropological and video ethnographic techniques to document and analyse a organizations culture. It answers the following questions: What is the culture? How is the culture? And why is the culture the way it is. 

Happiness Measurement

Happiness and effectiveness in problem solving are closely related. We use the “Happiness Scale” to measure individual- and teams happiness, by identifying relative levels of integration of and between thinking, feeling and acting structures. the relative level of integration determines flow which is the precondition for happiness. Our individualized training plans are fun and easy to apply in daily decisions.